ART ON THE AVE NYC is a community-based project that supports local artists while bringing life and color to our neighborhoods. Our interactive gallery spotlights artists who have produced work around the theme of, “Connections.” We hope this exhibition will reflect and radiate the unique spirit of Inwood.

Meet the Curator

Ruthy Valdez, a surrealist fine artist and resident of Washington Heights, is not only a dedicated arts educator but also an advocate for the arts.

As the curator of the Inwood "Art on Ave's Connections" exhibition, this role holds a profound personal significance for her. To Valdez, "connections" extend far beyond mere artistic ties; they serve as a profound symbol of community. Through her curation, she embarks on a journey to delve into the intricate web of relationships, shared stories, and collective experiences that unite artists with their communities. In doing so, she fosters a vibrant and enriching tapestry of art and culture, celebrating the powerful interplay between creativity and the community it serves.